Current Marketing and Production Studies - Selçuk Çolak - Akademisyen Kitabevi

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Ürün Açıklaması

Chapter 1 A Research on the Relatıonship Between Celebrity

Endorsement and the Social Media

Marketing Perception of Consumers

Chapter 2 Comprehensive Literature Review for

Closed Loop Supply Chain Studies

Chapter 3 A Novel Machine Learning Method for

Pattern Recognition and Classification

Chapter 4 Automobile Brand Preference in Turkey

Depending on Countries of Origin and Segments

Chapter 5 Opinion Leaders of Digital Era and

Their Effects on Consumer Behavior

Chapter 6 The Status of Turkish Air Companies in Global

Competition and Other Airlines in Air

Trade World: Analyses of the Rivalry

Chapter 7 Evaluation of Health Service Quality With

Servqual Scale: An Application in Turkey

129 Sayfa
1. Hamur Kağıt
16.00x24.00 cm
Basım Yılı:
Nisan 2020