Future Without Money - Gerrard Winstanley - Gece Kitaplığı

85.00 TL
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You have the eyes of the people all the land over, nay I think I may say all neighbouring nations over, waiting to see what you will do. And the eyes of your oppressed friends who lie yet under kingly power are waiting to have the possession given them of that freedom in the land, which was promised by you, if in case you prevailed. Lose not your crown; take it up and wear it. But know that it is no crown of honour, till promises and engagements made by you be performed to your friends. He that continues to the end shall receive the crown. Now you do not see the end of your work unless the kingly law and power be removed as well as his person.

181 Sayfa
2. Hamur Kağıt
11.00x18.00 cm
Basım Yılı:
Eylül 2020