Marxism, Liberty and The Government - Mihail Bakunin - Gece Kitaplığı

85.00 TL
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All work to be performed in the employ and pay of the State — such is the fundamental principle of Authoritarian Communism, of State Socialism. The State having become sole proprietor — at the end of a certain period of transition which will be necessary to let society pass without too great political and economic shocks from the present organisation of bourgeois privilege to the future organisation of the official equality of all — the State will be also the only Capitalist, banker, moneylender, organiser, director of all national labour and distributor of its products. Such is the ideal, the fundamental principle of modern Communism.

73 Sayfa
2. Hamur Kağıt
11.00x18.00 cm
Basım Yılı:
Eylül 2020