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Tek Çekim | 120.00 TL | 120.00 TL |
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Tek Çekim | 120.00 TL | 120.00 TL |
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Plato (428-348 BCE) was a renowned philosopher, mathematician, and writer of Ancient Greece. He is widely considered to be one of the most influential thinkers in the history of Western philosophy and his works have been studied for over two millennia. Plato’s The Symposium is a timeless classic, offering insights into the human condition and exploring the nature of love. The speakers explore topics such as the origin of love, the different kinds of love and the benefits of pursuing love. The Symposium, a dialogue on the nature and purpose of love centered around the ideals of beauty and goodness, is arguably the deepest inquiry of its kind in Western philosophy.
“Now turned towards the ocean of beauty and contemplating its multiple aspects, he will tirelessly give birth to beautiful and magnificent speeches and thoughts will spring forth in abundance from his love of wisdom, until at last, his strong and learned mind perceives a unique science, which is that of the beautiful of which I am going to speak. Try to give me as much attention as you can.”