Three Hundred Things A Bright Boy Can Do - Many Hands - Gece Kitaplığı

242.00 TL
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The Editor hopes that this volume will be the means of inspiring boys to adopt some hobby and to follow it diligently. At any rate he has arranged that they shall be able to have a wide choice of occupations, and shall begin with expert assistance. Too many youths fall into mere aimless dawdling, and waste the golden years of their life loafing about smoking cigarettes, watching others play, chattering endlessly about games, but never engaging in them. Though this book is written for the boy’s play hour, it will not be without value in aiding him upon the sterner side of his career, if it shows him how to train hand and eye, how to strengthen his will and muscles, and if it inculcates patience, exactitude, and perseverance.

461 Sayfa
2. Hamur Kağıt
13.50x21.00 cm
Basım Yılı:
Mart 2018